The Latest Scoop

March 4, 2024

Don Dolla de Montagne (Nonagenarian mountain owner) - Randy Brososky
Diamond de Montagne (His wife, ski ballerina, darling of the last Olympics) - Delia Barnett
Debra Bland (His daughter, ski mom and Chet’s coach) - Stephanie Wolfe
Dennis “Rocky” Bland - (Ski dad) - Peter Brown
Dennis “Chet” Bland Jr (Ski ballet prodigy that can’t actually ski) - Joel Taras
Bethany Bland (Star of the sitcom “All in the Household”) - Kirsten Throndson
Angel Delorean (Family lawyer) - Tom Edwards
Bronc Convoy (Don’s nephew, Assistant deputy, assistant ski patrol) - Cody Porter
Dr Misty La’Croix (Entertainer in the Slalom Lounge and volunteer medic) -Lindsey Walker
Sam Ollier (Maitre’d and concierge) - Jason Hardwick
Fletch Avalanche (Actor researching ski cop for an action movie) - Vince Forcier
Nonya Byness (Foreign diplomat) - Nikki Hulowski
Kiehls Aveeno (Irish groomer… RUN groomer and Heli-tour operator) -Jesse Gervais
Gillian Axel (Unemployed gondola operator with a past) - Kristi Hansen
Snowdine (mysterious arrival with no memory and a familiar jacket) - Ellie Heath
Georgie (Avalanche expert from Saskatchewan) - Caley Suliak

Director - Jake Tkaczyk
Original Music - Paul Morgan Donald
Technical Magic - Nichole Mann
Synopsis -the one and only Jim Cej
Producer - Nicole Thibault
Photos - Janna Hove

Act I

At the top of the gondola, Rocky has thrown Kiehls Aveeno out of the gondola, and Georgie Battleford has witnessed the whole thing. She overheard their conversation ands swears that she won’t breathe a word.

Gillian leaves the Slalom Lounge after attacking Dondola, when she runs into Nonya Byness, who has seen the whole thing. Gillian doesn’t see any bodies, do you see any bodies? But Nonya smells money. Lots and lots of money. There may not be a body, but how do you think it disappeared? It was the body of Nonya’s father! Gillion thought Nonya was dead. Surprise! Her father sent her away to Germany to lose her sibilant s, but it is returning. Look at the name on the title. It doesn’t say Gillian, it says Glowdene.

Chet and Snowdene wonder who his real parents were. Dr Misty over hears and offers to help. it’ll be easy, with just a stethoscope. She can hear a whistle of seaside birds. She sings what she hears. A family that keeps growing, day after day. And she hears whistling in the breeze. Maybe it’s his mother, Glowdene. Maybe the answer is the whistle! If you whistle, you’ll find your mom.

A fleeing Angel Delorean is found by Sam Ollier. You scooped my sister! She scooped me first!. Sam’s not going to kill Angel, but his knees aren’t going to like it. Sam raises his gun.

Glowdene can smell a whistle in the breeze. She may own the resort, but she wants to share it with Gillian. They can create an allience together.

Just before Sam can shoot, he is interrupted by Rocky and Georgie. Sam shoots Angel in the knee. This whole resort will be his!. Rocky and Georgie tackle Sam.

Chet has whistled, and Gillian and Glowdene have followed its scent. Snowdene somehow knows that Glowdene is her mother. My Baby! Snowdene! All of a sudden I feel that I know who I am. I have a brother!

In the ski lodge jail, Angel thanks Georgie for saving him. He’s been slashed, shot and scooped. Rocky asks Sam what he was doing with Angel. Sam used to be a spy, shooting at the good guys like a Bond villain. Angel tells Georgie that Dondola wants him dead. Georgie has seen so much on the mountain. Do you feel safe, Angel? She can help him get to the backwoods and safety. Angel thinks that he killed Gillian. He’s not sure because he ran away. Sam wants everyone gone, and then he can be by himself on the mountain. Angel says that they need to call Bronc. He’s off this week, and Georgie is filling in for him. Rocky thought that Sam was a cool guy, but he’s just a crazy loner. Sam attacks Rocky and escapes.

Gillian and Dr Misty have a side bar at the bar. Dr Misty asks her about some paperwork she may have come across. She is interested in getting her hands on it. She has worked on the mountain for a long time and thinks that some things are owed to her. Gillian asks what her intentions are with her brother. They have a will they/won’t they relationship. She thinks that she loves Sam and Gillian warns her that their family is… difficult. Well, we are one big happy family, aren’t we? Gillian is very protective about her brother and is concerned about their love pentagram. Dr Misty will make sure that Bronco is out and it can just be a love square.

Glowdene talks to her newly found children about their childhoods. There was a reason that she left Chet behind, but she is thrilled to be reunited with Snowdene. As she gushes about her daughter, Chet sneak up behind Glowdene and bludgeons her with a kettle.

Act II

Chet runs to find his dad. I did something really bad. I think I killed my mom. I thought the Irish guy did that. Different mom. She was insulting me. Tell me who it was. She sounds like the whistle in my heart. You told me it was congenital, but it was my real mom. She told Rocky that she had one too many children and was going to take it to the market for some beans or something. He looked into the baby’s eyes, and said to himself, that’s Bland. We may not share genetics but you’re a Bland. They may not have anything, but we’ll always have each other. One person has always been there for you, Chet. We’re the same guy. We have so much in common. I murdered someone, too. They hug. I’m a Bland!

While searching for Dr Misty, Sam runs into Georgie Battleford. Sam has always gotten away with murder, but Georgie can hear in his voice that maybe he wants to get caught. Dr Misty runs in. I hope you’re not on a date or something. I don’t know how many more sides our love square can take. She’s surprised to hear that he’s been murdering people. She thought it was tax evasion or something. She will stand by him. Dr Misty thinks that it’s hot that he’s been in jail. They can be the best lover/murderers that the world has even seen. Teach me your ways. He gives her his gun. She finds that she likes shooting the gun. They share a passionate kiss.

It’s been an exhausting day for Angel. He’s back in his hotel room, when he hears a knock at the door. Here’s Gillian!

I thought you were dead! I scooped you! The only person that refuses to die more than you in me. Did you know that you can drink from these glasses? I was wrong about you. Gillian thought he was weak, but he’s strong. She is impressed with a large tumbler on his table. She pulls out the title. There are two names on it and there needs to be one. I need it changed and certified. He could do that. There won’t be any further killing, will there? I want Glowdene’s name removed. He can do a little magic in his office and duplicate it to look like the original. Angel shares an uncomfortable toast with Gillian.

Snowdene kneels over an unconscious Glowdene. She lets out one last whistle. She’s dead. She sees the title that her mother will own the lodge. She will dress as Glowdene and take her place.

Dr Misty and Sam have a quiet walk in the woods, when they are joined by Georgie. She’s going to take him in. Sam will be going to jail, for good this time. You can’t come and go as you please? When she handcuffs Sam, Dr Misty pulls out the gun. You’re a doctor! You can’t take lives! Dr Misty fires a warning show. It triggers an avalanche!

As the Blands hug, they are interrupted by the fake Glowdene. She shows them the paperwork that the whole place is hers. It belongs to her and her family members, but she doesn’t want to share. She pulls out two glasses, but she can only scoop one of them at a time. She picks up the kettle instead and swings it around. A confused Nonya enters and is smacked again by the kettle, as is Rocky.

Angel shows Gillian the new title and they stumble across Rocky. He doesn’t think that he has long to live. Glowdene… Don’t worry, they have Glowdene’s fate sealed. Take care of my son. He gets closer to his light. The closer he gets, the better he feels. Apparently his brain isn’t that important and he revives. Their voices brought him back. He and his son will own them. They’ll do anything that they want. Gillian says that they are just three people who refuse to die.

That’s the perfect place to end, but it’s only 9:05pm. It’s a good thing that only the side of avalanche hit Sam and Dr Misty. Chet finds them. He knows about Sam’s secret spy past. There’s a crazy lady wearing my dead mom’s clothes, and she was wearing my old dead mom’s clothes before. She’s on a spree. The one that looked like Stephanie Wolfe (what a talent!) was my old mom, and the one that was her identical twin that didn’t really look like her, I murdered. Sam says that Dr Misty can commit her first murder. She can kill anyone that looks like Stephanie Wolfe.

Georgie is buried under the avalanche. When Snowdene/Glowdene walks over her, her hand shoots up and grabs her. She has come across some paperwork that says that the mountain may be hers. And she needs someone to run it with her. She gives Georgie the murder kettle, and she’ll do anything for Snowdene/Glowdene.

Gillian, Angel, and Rocky plan to take Glowdene out. They go over the plans to grab her paperwork and hit her with any kitchenware she may have. Gillian wonders if Glowdene has any alliances. Rocky saw the look in her eyes, and he saw that look once before in a feral caribou. The only thing that a feral caribou would be afraid of is its shadow.

Misty, Sam, and Chet look for Glowdene. A wind has picked up making it hard to see. She sees someone in a jacket like the one Glowdene was wearing and shoots. Twice. Both of the Blands go down. In their final moments, they find that they’re really having a family adventure. Chet just wants to say that Rocky is the best dad that he ever had and their jackets were a great investment. Chet dies. Rocky says that he wanted to go first.


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