The Greatest Snow on Earth

Veronica Charlemagne, she ran away to join the Circus (Kirsten Throndson)
PT Cruzer, he runs the Circus (Donovan Workun)
Vera Bixtash, the Bearded Lady (Vince Forcier)
Bruno Nicolas Adonidas, half horse and half man (Tom Edwards)
Lillian Leitzel, aerialist extreme (Stephanie Wolfe)
Clarl, a clown (Jason Hardwick)

Daring Director: Jake Tkaczyk
Midway Melodies: Paul Morgan Donald
Tremendous Technicial: Nichole Man
Prime Producer: Nicole Thibault

Act 1

We have journeyed back to the world where lion tamers and tightrope walkers took center stage. The world of the big tops and big tales. The world of PT Cruzer’s Carnival Sideshow.

Veronica Charlemagne (Kirsten Thronsdon) has run away to join the circus. When she arrives under the big top, she is communing with the animals in order to gain some confidence and wisdom. Her solitude is interrupted by Vera Bixtash (Vincent Forcier), the bearded lady. They sing about how if you want to be in the spotlight, you need to find “your thing.” Meanwhile, PT Cruzer (Donovan Workun) and Bruno Nicolai Adonidas (Tom Edwards) reminisce about the glory days of the circus, how things aren’t as easy as they were, and how they met. PT tells Bruno that he needs to up his game if they are going to stay relevant and attract audiences. They need the next big thing.

Lillian Leitzel (Stephanie Wolfe) and Clarl (Jason Hardwick) meet in the stands where they fantasize about what life outside the circus would be like. Lillian has decided this is going to be her last year on the high wires. Clarl doesn’t know how he is going to survive without his longtime companion.

Vera brings Veronica to see PT Cruzer. She wants to join his circus but times are tough and PT doesn’t know if he’ll be able to afford additional staff. She decides that she is going to help out. She can scoop poop with the greatest of ease!

Bruno is practicing and prancing. He is going to be the best in the world. He slips and falls and breaks a hoof. Clarl wanders in and repairs his ankle with a twist and a snap. The both know that the circus is suffering but they need to keep positive spirits because without the circus, where are people going to go to be entertained!

Veronica day dreams of her thing. Of her act. Of how incredible she can be. The whole cast joins to celebrate in her dream where she is the headliner of the finale act - the world's greatest plate spinner!

Act 2

Veronica wakes up mumbling of plates and is met by Clarl. They sit and talk about how being in the circus is a special thing and how it is not to be taken for granted. It’s all Veronica wants and it’s all Clarl has ever known. They decided to be best friends.

PT Cruzer and Lillian are discussing her departure from the circus. They know it’s not going to be easy and their relationship is going to be strained. He’ll miss her. She’ll miss him. Oh the hell with it! He can’t let her go! He gives her a box of Cracker Jacks with a ring inside. She nearly chips a tooth on the ring. Lillian stares at the ring. She gets down on one knee and proposes to PT Cruzer. He says yes. Everyone’s hearts burst with love.

Bruno and Vera spend some time talking about Veronica. Can they trust her? She is, after all, a “normie.” In times like this the only thing that they can rely on is each other. They brush each others hair and main and tails. It’s sensual. They are in love (or something like it) and they are going to have to stick together.

Veronica bursts in on PT and Lillian. She knows what she’s going to do! She’s going to save the circus from the inevitable bankruptcy. She is going to spin plates! Okay so she’s never done it before but that’s not going to stop her! PT asks her to try. Can she do it?! Will she do it?! SHE DOES!!! It is incredible. She is going to go climb the fame ladder. But how does Lillian feel about it?

Clarl and Bruno talk about how they are headed for the world's scariest place, Orlando. They know that it’s going to be a rough time. The audience is too scary. Too toothless. Too Blue Haired! They plan on building a fence around the rings of the circus. Anything to keep them and their walkers out! They are terrified. They don’t know if they can perform there. PT Cruzer comes to tell them that no matter where they go, they’ll always be loved and supported by the circus. PT is in their corner and he won’t let anything happen to them.

Lillian and Vera are in a deep discussion about the new “normie” who has arrived at the big top. Lillian presses, “What does she think she’s doing here?” But Vera is more accepting of new blood and new possibilities. What is this plate spinning anyway!? This discussion about potential new stars boils and Lillian begins physically abusing Vera. Veronica bursts in and attempts to stop the fighting and begins to receive the wrath of Lillian. Vera falls to the floor breathless and hurt. Veronica eventually breaks free of Lillian’s choke hold. And Vera hits Lillian with the question, “What has happened to you? Why can’t we give her something that you gave me - really great mentorship?” Lillian is unwavering. She is done with this conversation.


Photos by the one and only Janna Hove


Orland-Oh no she better don’t