River City Staff
Jaqueline Walsh, PHD (Head Administrator) - Stephanie Wolfe
Philadelphia Jones (Chief Resident) - Rebecca Bissonnette
Phyllis Jones (Pharmacist) - Delia Barnett
Doug (The Custodian) - Kristi Hansen
Katie Cross (Hospital Parishioner) - Rebecca Merkley
Dr. Damian Mallet (General Surgeon) - Tom Edwards
Susan Wilson (Malpractice Lawyer) - Kirsten Throndson
Dr. Anita Brah (Surgeon) - Kalyn Miles
Nurse Lillian Hope (Nurse) - Jason Hardwick
Dr. Patrick Chathams (Pediatrician) - Vincent Forcier
Synopsis Expertly Crafted by Jim Cej
All photos by our Incomparable Die-Nasty Photographer :
Janna Hove
Susan and Anita discuss the new nurse, Lillian Hope. Anita has a new Australian accent. Susan looks over Lillian’s extensive resume. It spans 60 years, including time in medical school. Anita has know Lillian since then, but she needs to get back to surgery, where she has two patients waiting.
Philadelphia Jones is regaining consciousness after her 4 month long light coma. Katie Cross checks in on her and looks to the Book of Revelations for guidance. They flash back to doing the time warp before Philadelphia dropped into her coma. She has been having nightmares about the fact that she never got to wear her tap shoes. Katie tells her that her students have been missing her. They can’t graduate until she has signed them off. Katie suggests a song to help her with her trauma.
Damian, Patrick and Phyllis have their lunch time yoga session. Patrick notes that together they span the entire medical profession. Patrick doesn’t feel that he ever loses patients, they are all just levelling up. Damian wonders what wonders do they see when they die. According to Phyllis it depends on their beliefs, but she hopes that she never finds out. They sing Where Does One Go When One Dies. Will there be friends there? The only way that will ever know is when they go.
Jacqueline gives Nurse Lillian Hope a tour of the hospital. It’s much bigger and cleaner than she is used to back at Pond Town General Hospital. Lillian feels that what they each bring to the hospital is the most important thing She tours the operating theatre and the cafeteria. Lillian tells her about Pond Town. You know when you follow your heart to it’s limit, that’s Pond Town. It sounds like there is one for everyone, but there is just one. You can almost see everyone in Pond Town, where you’re never alone.
Dr Anita Brah interrupts their reverie. Lillian apologizes for not going directly to see her, but Jacqueline dragged her all over the hospital. When Lillian goes off about her delay, Anita slaps her. She apologizes profusely. Lillian remembers what happened the last time she didn’t follow Anita’s orders. Philadelphia Jones was getting in her way.
Katie Cross, Damian Mallet, and Philadelphia Jones each sneak into blood storage room for unknown reasons. Screw you, Jacqueline!
In her office, Jacqueline Welsh is visited by Phyllis Jones. They’re in a grey period between being a public and private hospital. What does that mean for their benefits? Jacqueline hates that word and says that we all have to take care of each other and we are there to help her. Phylis has tried medicine and yoga, and wants to know that if she gets sick, will she be taken care of? Jacqueline gives her a one minute raise, and suggests opening a bank account with $1000, and then she can dip into that to take care of herself. Phyllis collapses.
Philadelphia, Damian and Anita are all paged to the operating room to work on Phyllis. When they ask what happened, Jacqueline says that she fell right down. Philadelphia suggest that Anita gives her the same things that brought her out of her coma. Meanwhile, everyone else watches from the gallery and wonders why no one is actually doing anything. They perform surgery to remove her glands. They need more sponges, and Philadelphia suggests that they check Damian’s last patient to get some. A banana flies in from the operating room gallery. Phyllis flatlines.
Jacqueline meets with Susan in her malpractice office. Things are tense. There were 3 qualified surgeons performing surgery on Phyllis. One of them forced her to eat a banana. Jacqueline thinks that this incident will help with privatization. She thinks that she is having an internal monologue, but Susan can hear everything she says. There’s a body of a staff member in the morgue, and it’s her fault. Jacqueline asks if they are dead.
Lillian confronts Philadelphia. Phyllis was flatlining, and she did nothing. Didn’t you see me with the tape? She has so much on her plate with her patients and her students. She can’t do it all, so you make deals. Philadelphia is a candle burning at both ends. Lillian points out that they have more than one operating room and more than one doctor, and Philadelphia is wasting your time selling underground Tootsie Pops. Lillian forced her way into the hospital to work with Philadelphia and had found that she’s not taking care of herself. It’s true when they say that you shouldn’t meet your heroes. Lillian had better not have to talk to Philadelphia like this again.
Damian and Katie Cross meet in the chapel. He needs to talk to someone. Things are really going downhill in the hospital. They are going to lose everything. What will happen with their Hippocratic Oath? Katie can see how hard he works. He’s the first one here in the morning and the first one to leave. They talk about the elephant in the blood room. Damian confesses that he’s been stealing blood and hiding it to sell back to the hospital when they need it. He tried everything that he could, but Damian couldn’t save Phyllis. Katie confesses that she was also stealing blood. She has an ill family member that can’t leave the house, so she has to take blood home and give transfusions there. She hopes that she’s been getting the right type.
Anita and Patrick talk about the banana incident. He threw her a banana down to her in the operating room. She thought it was going to be something important she could use. Patrick is a kid’s doctor and confesses that he feels that he doesn’t deserve to work on adults. Anita tells him to get a hold of himself. Doctors lose 50, 60 patients a day. Anita cries. She needs him to tell her that it’ wasn’t her fault that Phyllis died. Anita points out that she force fed Phyllis a banana. At least she did something. The other doctors did nothing. They’ll all get through this eventually., but hey won’t look back at this and laugh. Patrick says that doctors hold a lot of power, and with great power comes…
We flashback to Phyllis visiting Jacqueline in her office. She is really struggling to make ends meet and needs a raise. What will happen if she can’t afford healthcare? She tells Phyllis that a pharmacist is a person in your neighbourhood. In YOUR neighbourhood.In your neigh-bour-hood. The pharmacist is a person in your neighbourhood. They’re a person that you meet when you’re walking down the street. They’re a person that you meet each day. Don’t you feel better now? Phyllis asks Jacqueline if she ever has a moment when she thinks to herself that she’s not a good person? No, because an administrator is a person in your neighbourhood. In YOUR neighbourhood.In your neigh-bour-hood. The administrator is a person in your neighbourhood. They’re a person that you meet when you’re walking down the street. They’re a person that you meet each day. Susan listens in to their conversation. Phyllis pushes for her raise. Jacqueline thinks it’s negative that Phyllis is making this about the money. Who needs money? Phyllis thinks that it’s easy for her to say because she has lots of it. Jacqueline takes Phyllis to go get drunk.
Nurse Hope and Dr Chathams discuss Dr Anita Brah. He thinks that Anita will be better now. It’s going to be hard. We don’t like losing one of our own. Lillian asks if he was close to Phyllis. They did yoga together and talked about what happens when you die. Well, she knows now. When Patrick tries to get close, she says that she’s married now. Well, he’s still her son.
Dr Damian visits Susan in her office to ask her something. Something needs to be done about Jacqueline and this privatization thing. She tells him that he’s not the first to say that. She overheard her say that that money was the most important thing, and she was going to get an employee drunk. Care is going out the window. It’s all about the money. Susan says that they are going to lose so much money because they have such poor doctors. She goes through the medical costs for the past week. Those lost sponges and surgeries done with tape have cost the hospital a lot of money. In one, they settled out of court for $7.6 million for reattaching a leg backwards.
Katie Cross organizes a memorial service for Phyllis Good. The first to arrive is Lillian Hope. May she rest in peace, wherever she is. Katie tells her that she is in the morgue. Phyllis was loved by so many. She was the only one to know anything about medicine in the hospital. Lillian asks if it true that Katie takes confession and has to keep it a secret. Someone is going to go to Katie and make a confession that they are Lillian’s son. They are lying, and in the house of God to boot. Promise me that you will call him a liar. Katie tells her that it doesn’t happen very often, but she can kick someone out of the church. Lillian tells her that most gay people already know that. Katie practices saying that they’re lying and get out.
Everyone attends Phyllis’s funeral. She was a devoted mother of 7, all from different mothers. (Go with it.) They sing one of her favourite songs, about how everyone loves Phyllis. That’s pretty conceited, right? Patrick is glad that she finally mastered the corpse pose in yoga. If we could hear her thoughts, I wonder what they would be. Phyllis thanks god that she doesn’t have to work in that hospital anymore. We see her dancing in a field with little animals as she ascends the stairway to heaven. Everyone sings that they love Phyllis because she loved them. Jacqueline comes forward with an announcement. Everyone is laid off.